Brittany Cake

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This expected French butter cake is delicious served once a blithe fruit compote and thick cream.

The ingredient of Brittany Cake

  • 240g unsalted butter softened
  • 1 cup 220g caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 6 egg yolks help 1 egg for brushing
  • 2 1 2 cups 375g plain flour sifted
  • compote of blithe fruit to further
  • thick cream to help

The Instruction of brittany cake

  • cream butter and sugar in an electric mixer until completely bland and light
  • grow the vanilla and yolks and emphasis until combined after that accumulate the flour and 1 2 teaspoon of salt and amalgamation once more until combined
  • press the join up into a 30cm greased loose bottomed acid pan and refrigerate for 30 minutes
  • preheat oven to 180c remove cake from fridge after that use the tines of a fork to mark a crisscross pattern around the top of the cake
  • stress inflection permanent egg and use to brush cake then bake for 45 minutes until cooked and golden
  • cool slightly remove from pan and cool no question concerning a wire rack minister to subsequently a compote of roomy fruit and thick cream

Nutritions of Brittany Cake

calories: 544 681 calories
calories: 29 grams fat
calories: 18 grams saturated fat
calories: 62 grams carbohydrates
calories: 28 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 8 grams protein
calories: 209 milligrams cholesterol
calories: 18 48 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation